Real Life vs Virtual Reality
By Sybaris Collection Would it be possible to mix reali life vs virtual reality to the point of not knowing what is real and what isn’t? Through art everything is possible.
Read moreBy Sybaris Collection Would it be possible to mix reali life vs virtual reality to the point of not knowing what is real and what isn’t? Through art everything is possible.
Read moreBy Sybaris Collection We list 7 tips to consider the spaces that your art pieces should occupy. Remember that by acquiring a work you not only establish a romantic relationship with it, but you have also entered into a pact…
Read moreBy Sybaris Collection On August 16, after taken several districts of Afghanistan, Taliban forces took the control of Kabul, the capital and most important city of the country. The arts and cultural heritage of a country could be the less…
Read moreRegina de Con Cossío Museums around the world were deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the exhibitions were cancellend or posposed, but hope still remains and exhibition programs are kind of a possibility for seeing the light at…
Read moreBy Sybaris Collection What was Shigeko Kubota thinking and seeking as a female artist who was developing her art on the world stage in the dawn of new media art?
Read moreBy Sybaris Collection Between 1935 and 1941, Marcel Duchamp took the museum and the art exhibitions to its more contemporary expression. He took a suitcase to carry on miniatures of some of his most important works so he can exhibit…
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